Professor John Frazer, School of Design & Communication, University of Ulster, Belfast, UK. The Dynamic Evolution of Designs. Chris Hand (1) (photo), Mark Skipper (1) and Andrew Dinsdale (2), 1.De Montfort University, Leicester, UK and 2. Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Object - Oriented Design using Role Playing in Shared Spaces. Simon Bennett (photo) and Chris Czarnecki School of Computing Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Fuzzy Control of Dual Robot Systems via Space Filling Curves Dr. Phil Webb, H. Pancholi and C. Goulden, Department of Mechanical Engineering, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. System Simulation Aspects of Mechatronics Design Process. Alastair D.McGown B.Eng.(Hons) M.Des (photo) and Dr. Graham Green B.Sc. PhD., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK. Recording The Design Process In Real Time: Innovative Design Concept Synthesis. Dr Brian Dalay (1).(photo) and V Robstov (2)., 1. De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. 2. Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman, Russia. Structure and Control of Robots. Burco Senyapili M.F.A, Faculty of Art Design & Architecture, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Introduction of a Start- Up Scale Menu to Improve the Use of Dynamic Simulations in Architectural Design. Professor V. S Medvedev(1), S. M. Korsun(1), S.V. Makhalov(1), V. Robtsov(1)(photo), Dr.B. S. Dalay (2). 1. Moscow State Technical University, (named after N.E.Bauman), Russia. 2. De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Robot End Effector Simulation in MATLAB - SIMULINK. Use the following to cite material: Author(s), "Title of Paper", in 4D Dynamics Conference on Design & Research Methodologies for Dynamic Form', Editor- Alec Robertson, Proc.4D Dynamics, (page numbers). De Montfort University, Leicester. UK Revised Edition (1996) ISBN 1857211308. |